Quick Bites – Plant-Based Milks @ Zoom
Oct 11 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Learn how the non-dairy, plant-based alternatives to milk stack-up nutritionally. Quick Bites is a brief, virtual lunch and learn activity on Zoom with our RDN, Jody Margolis, who will cover various nutrition hot topics. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the expert and expand your nutritional knowledge.

Link: https://uci-hipaa.zoom.us/j/93488477651

Quick Bites – Mindful Eating @ Zoom
Oct 25 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Struggling with eating for non-hunger reasons? Learn tips to break free from emotional eating. Quick Bites is a brief, virtual lunch and learn activity on Zoom with our RDN, Jody Margolis, who will cover various nutrition hot topics. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the expert and expand your nutritional knowledge.

Link: https://uci-hipaa.zoom.us/j/95731825243

Quick Bites – Alternative Meats @ Zoom
Nov 8 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Lab grown meat derived from plant matter?! Sounds like Science Fiction, but really it’s the newest trend in the culinary world. Join us for a quick half hour session and learn all about plant-based alternative meats from our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Quick Bites is a brief, virtual lunch and learn activity on Zoom with our RDN, Jody Margolis, who will cover various nutrition hot topics. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the expert and expand your nutritional knowledge.

Zoom link: https://uci-hipaa.zoom.us/j/96041472862


Quick Bites – Nutrition Confusion & Social Media @ Zoom
Jan 31 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Misinformation on social media has always been a problem. Whether it’s science, politics, popular culture, or any other topic, you can be sure there will be different opinions and heated conversations. Some of the most misrepresented subjects are nutrition, diet, and body image, as they are all subjects related to showing off a certain lifestyle or body type. Learn how to not be misled by social media influencers.

Quick Bites is a brief, virtual lunch and learn series on Zoom with our RDN, Jody Margolis, who will cover various nutrition hot topics. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the expert and expand your nutritional knowledge. Keep an eye on our social media and calendars to see when the next Quick Bites session will be.

Zoom Link: https://uci-hipaa.zoom.us/j/94463510082

Quick Bites – Get the Buzz on Caffeine @ Zoom
Feb 14 @ 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm

Caffeine, the lifeblood of college students. Learn how this stimulant can be helpful or harmful, and how you can safely enjoy your favorite caffeinated beverages.

Quick Bites is a brief, virtual lunch and learn series on Zoom with our RDN, Jody Margolis, who will cover various nutrition hot topics. You’ll have the opportunity to ask the expert and expand your nutritional knowledge. Keep an eye on our social media and calendars to see when the next Quick Bites session will be.

Zoom Link: https://uci-hipaa.com.us/j/96150195553